The latest installment of a multi-part series. Read Part 2 here. 9. Mass Men, mass production, minimum Standards and human capital. If you’ve ever made homemade bread, you realize it takes time and loving attention. One searches out the best ingredients, reads all the labels, and hones appropriate proportions and rise times that depend on…
Category: Education
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines… The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 2
This is a continuation of our multi-part series. Read Part 1 here. 4. Conditioned to Compromise, Conform, Lie and Cheat to get the Grade, “Success”, The Positive Reinforcement Reward. Students want so much to make the grade, get the score, have ‘success’, please the test givers, their parents, peers, audience and get the conditioned reward,…
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines…The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 1
In this multi-part series, Dr. Dawn Kazmierzak reminds us of how and why Behavioral Science is applied in the education of the public. This series of posts also explains why Dawn and her husband have chosen privately-funded, parent-directed education for their daughter. “Education is what survives when what has been learned has long been forgotten.” ~ B.F….
Test v. Assessments
Indiana homeschoolers test their children regularly. Many are concerned about assessments. We’ve asked a veteran, professional educator, Mary Black, to explain why assessments are a concern to many who are informed about this issue. The passage of No Child Left Behind brought about many regrettable changes to education. One change rarely mentioned is the blurring of the…
Maintaining the Integrity of Home Education
Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) and IAHE Action protect Hoosier parents’ autonomy to direct the education and upbringing of their children. We know one of the biggest threats to our liberty is entanglement with government funding. When we hear of the government trying to “help” homeschoolers, we are very cautious as not to jeopardize our…
Who’s in Charge?
Who’s in charge of your child’s education? It depends on the type of school in which your child is enrolled. The type of school determines the amount of parental involvement and oversight. It is important to remember the Common Schools (public schools) were formed by the States to provide an education for those families who…
Whose Children? Rethinking Schools and Education
Frank Schnorbus, President of Nevada Homeschool Network, has written an excellent piece about the history of government-run education. Compulsory attendance laws are discussed, as well as, whether or not citizens are well-served by government involvement in education. He leads us to consider what is required to be truly educated and to question if it can even…