In the wee hours of Friday April 29th, the 123rd Indiana General Assembly came to a close. Many bills now await Governor Holcomb’s signature, signing the bill into law, or veto. The Governor has 7 days to complete this process. If he does not move on the bill, on day 8, it automatically becomes a…
Are Indiana’s Proposed Graduation Pathways Problematic for Home Educators?
IAHE Action has monitored the work of the Graduation Pathways Panel. In 2015, there were efforts to update diploma requirements which were later abandoned after pushback from the special needs community. IAHE had a concern at that time about the influence of Common Core. It seemed to many the focus of state education had switched to…
IAHE Action’s School to Prison Pipeline Response – Part 8
This post is our eighth of nine installments regarding the transcript from the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hearing that was held on February 17, 2016. You may read our other posts here, here, here, here, here, here, here, and here. TESTIMONY: Pg. 215 MR. DOUGLAS: Thank you all. Principal Sanders, you mentioned…
IAHE Action’s School to Prison Pipeline Response – Part 6
This post is our sixth of nine installments regarding the transcript from the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hearing that was held on February 17, 2016. Neither Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) nor IAHE Action knew about this meeting until after the fact. You may read our other posts…
IAHE Action’s School to Prison Pipeline Response – Part 5
This post is our fifth of nine installments regarding the transcript from the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights hearing that was held on February 17, 2016. Neither Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) nor IAHE Action knew about this meeting until after the fact. You may read our other posts…
IAHE Action’s School to Prison Pipeline Response – Part 2
This is a continuation of the testimony from here. TESTIMONY: Pg. 80. “We actually based our thesis on the question of what happens to African American students from low income marginalized communities living in single female head of household with high crime when they accept the option of home schooling in place of an expulsion….
The Rise of Homeschool Discrimination
IAHE has had concerns over the past several years as it noticed a shift in the attitudes of some regarding homeschool diplomas. There have been various instances in Indiana where questions have arisen regarding diplomas; such as, with the military, higher education, and employers. A case involving an Indiana company, NiSource, was troubling to many…
Why IAHE Action?
In recent years, Indiana Association of Home Educators has observed increased threats to parental and home education rights. The threats have been seen in various forms. Christian home education is particularly egregious to many who oppose homeschooling. As IAHE assessed these threats, they felt like the time had come to commence a new sister organization that…