U.S. COMMISSION ON CIVIL RIGHTS INDIANA ADVISORY COMMITTEE SCHOOL-TO-PRISON PIPELINE IN INDIANA This is the first installment in this series. IAHE Action blogged about this hearing in March. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, Regional Programs Unit sent Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) the 600+ page transcript of the hearing and has given IAHE the…
30,000 “Homeschool” Dropouts?
During testimony for a School Choice bill in the House Education Committee last week, a school in northern Indiana was there to testify and claimed that they are serving many needy students including “homeschool dropouts”. The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) has data that reports 10,000 students a year for the past three years have…
Harassment of Homeschoolers
Over the past number of years, we have seen the language on the Indiana Department of Education website altered. It simply states: Parents who choose to home educate their children may report their homeschool’s enrollment to the Indiana Department of Education (IC 20-33-2-21). Formerly, questions from Indiana Code were asked, but children’s names were not…
Is Registration Required for Homeschooling in Indiana?
Many homeschoolers in Indiana are under the mistaken belief they need to register their home school with the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). This is not the case. Nowhere in the Indiana Code (IC) is there a requirement to register. The IDOE would certainly like to know about your homeschool because they are in…