Sponsored by our friends at the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties
Topic: The Relationship Between Religion and Government, the Founders’ intent
Age groups:
16 thru 18
16 thru 18
12 thru 15
$500- first place
$500- first place
$250-second place
Essay composition suggestions:
(these are not written in stone, but varying greatly from them might reduce your chances of success)
(these are not written in stone, but varying greatly from them might reduce your chances of success)
750-word maximum
Include footnotes for sources and quotes, original documents are encouraged
Footnotes are not included in word count.
Essays must be postmarked by August 1, 2017.
Judging will be completed by September 1, 2017. Awards will be presented at our Constitution Day Celebration.
Only winners and honorable mentions will be notified. A list of the winners will be available after September 2017 at www.libertyliveshere.org.
Your essay will not be returned to you, so make a personal copy before you send it to us.
Honorable mentions might also be shared (without exposure of your personal information) as examples of our youths Constitutional knowledge.
We invite you to accept the challenge and examine our First Amendment, and the intent of our Founders with regard to religion.
Send your entries to:
Essay Contest
Essay Contest
c/o Wm Price
3570 N, 150 W
Lebanon, IN 46052