It was recently brought to our attention that the Indiana Department of Education had sent a memo to Superintendents and Principals giving guidance related to homeschoolers enrolled in one class in public school and ISTEP+:
Q: Does the homeschool student have to take ISTEP+ and relevant ECA assessments if they are only enrolled in one course?
A: Students in grades 3-8 and grade 10 in a public school or accredited non-public school must take the ISTEP+ assessments. Students in grades 10, 11, and 12 during the 2015-16 school year must take the Algebra I and English 10 ECAs if they are enrolled in the course(s).
The concern is in regards to homeschoolers and ISTEP+. Home educators enrolled in one public school are being tested with ISTEP+ on curriculum that they are not using. The purpose of the ISTEP program is designed to “provide a source of information for state and local decision makers with regard to…the overall academic progress of students…the need for new or revised educational programs…the need to terminate existing education programs…student readiness for postsecondary school experiences…(and) diagnosing individual student needs”.
HSLDA attorney, Tj Schmidt, wrote a post about this situation in July: Homeschoolers Can Skip the ISTEP
If you have concerns about taking ISTEP+ or any tests while enrolled in a class in public school for any reason, contact HSLDA.