We’ve asked our friend, Jen Siek, to share the negative consequences that Michigan homeschoolers have experienced due to other homeschoolers’ involvement with the public school Parent Partnership Program. We hope to remind Indiana home educators that others may experience unintended consequences even if they choose not to participate in a public school program. “Grab…
Author: IAHE Action
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines… The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 4
This is a continuation of a multi-part series. 11. ESA’s (Education Subsidy Accounts) more Behavioral Conditioning, deception, theft and cognitive dissonance. Education Subsidy Accounts (ESA’s,) Education Scholarship Accounts, and Education Savings Accounts (the deception label,) expand the role of government regulation, funding, dependency, and inflation into the lives of recipients, vendors, service providers, taxpayers, and…
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines… The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 3
The latest installment of a multi-part series. Read Part 2 here. 9. Mass Men, mass production, minimum Standards and human capital. If you’ve ever made homemade bread, you realize it takes time and loving attention. One searches out the best ingredients, reads all the labels, and hones appropriate proportions and rise times that depend on…
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines… The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 2
This is a continuation of our multi-part series. Read Part 1 here. 4. Conditioned to Compromise, Conform, Lie and Cheat to get the Grade, “Success”, The Positive Reinforcement Reward. Students want so much to make the grade, get the score, have ‘success’, please the test givers, their parents, peers, audience and get the conditioned reward,…
Testing, Assessments, Standards, Teaching Machines…The Science of Creating Obedient Citizens. Behavioral Science. Part 1
In this multi-part series, Dr. Dawn Kazmierzak reminds us of how and why Behavioral Science is applied in the education of the public. This series of posts also explains why Dawn and her husband have chosen privately-funded, parent-directed education for their daughter. “Education is what survives when what has been learned has long been forgotten.” ~ B.F….
Indiana Homeschoolers Should Reject ESAs
Since homeschooling became legal in Indiana, Hoosier homeschoolers have enjoyed very limited regulation. We’ve also accepted full financial responsibility for the operating costs of our own homeschools, even though that financial burden comes in addition to the income and property taxes that we pay to support Indiana’s public schools. Back in 2011, the Indiana state…
Test v. Assessments
Indiana homeschoolers test their children regularly. Many are concerned about assessments. We’ve asked a veteran, professional educator, Mary Black, to explain why assessments are a concern to many who are informed about this issue. The passage of No Child Left Behind brought about many regrettable changes to education. One change rarely mentioned is the blurring of the…
Latest DRAFT Posted of School to Prison Pipeline Report
We were able to bring balance to the Indiana Advisory Committee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights draft School to Prison Pipeline report. Homeschooling is discussed beginning on page 30 under “3. Non-traditional Education and the Pipeline.” You may review the latest draft at the link below. We understand the committee must complete this…
The Unintended Consequences of ESAs – Inflated Costs for All, Fewer Choices for All – Part 5
This is part five of a five-part series. Read Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. 5. We’re going to tell ourselves that ESAs won’t affect us if we don’t take them. What if you decide that you don’t want to take the ESA? What if you want to remain independent? Will…
The Unintended Consequences of ESAs – Inflated Costs for All, Fewer Choices for All – Part 4
This is part four of a five-part series. Read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3. We’re going to tell ourselves that we’ll be able to maintain most of our freedom and choice. Again, it’s important to understand that by taking government funds, even an ESA, you will no longer be schooling independently from the government….