Bring your 8-12 yr. olds to Indianapolis for a One Day interactive field trip–TeenPact Indiana! At TeenPact, you and your kids will experience a fun, fast-paced day at the Indiana Statehouse. Explore the three floors, atriums, and rotunda on a scavenger hunt of your Capitol building, learn how a bill becomes a law through a…
Concerning Education Savings Accounts
Over the past five years there has been a shift towards Republican control of state governments. Today, there are 31 Republican governors and 22 states where Republicans also hold both houses of the legislature (Nebraska has a unicameral legislature). Indiana is a state which not only has a Republican governor and state legislature but also…
HSLDA Weighs-in on ESEA Rewrite, Concerns Remain
On Monday, Congress unveiled the Every Student Succeeds Act, which is the Conference Committee report for the major reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). The last time ESEA was reauthorized was in 2001, as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). The Every Student Succeeds Act takes H.R. 5, which…
The Rise of Homeschool Discrimination
IAHE has had concerns over the past several years as it noticed a shift in the attitudes of some regarding homeschool diplomas. There have been various instances in Indiana where questions have arisen regarding diplomas; such as, with the military, higher education, and employers. A case involving an Indiana company, NiSource, was troubling to many…
Why IAHE Action?
In recent years, Indiana Association of Home Educators has observed increased threats to parental and home education rights. The threats have been seen in various forms. Christian home education is particularly egregious to many who oppose homeschooling. As IAHE assessed these threats, they felt like the time had come to commence a new sister organization that…
Homeschoolers and Indiana’s RFRA
As we gear up for the 2016 session of the Indiana General Assembly, IAHE Action thinks it would be a good time review our stance on Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). Home education rights rest on two pillars: religious liberty and parental rights. We need both strong pillars to protect home education rights. RFRA…
Indiana Vaccination Data Questions Remain
Indiana families were not the only ones that received letters regarding vaccinations from their State Department of Health which IAHE alerted Indiana home educators about in this post from mid-October. Michigan families also received a similar letter. These types of occurrences highlight IAHE Action’s concern about the increased amount of government data collection. HSLDA asks,…
ISTEP+ and Homeschoolers?
It was recently brought to our attention that the Indiana Department of Education had sent a memo to Superintendents and Principals giving guidance related to homeschoolers enrolled in one class in public school and ISTEP+: Q: Does the homeschool student have to take ISTEP+ and relevant ECA assessments if they are only enrolled in one…
Will Senator Cruz’s Bill Allow Homeschoolers to Receive Federal Funds?
Homeschoolers have reason to be concerned that government funding would lead to a loss of home education freedom. Some have expressed concern that Senator Cruz’ bill S 306 would allow homeschoolers to receive federal funds. Attorney Will Estrada, Director of Federal Relations for Home School Legal Defense Association, explains legally why this bill should not…