The original post by Jacob G. Hornberger may be found on The Future of Freedom Foundation blog. Republished with permission. Once upon a time, some conservatives used to call for the abolition of the U.S. Department of Education. Lamentably, conservatives today celebrate when a “free-market advocate” like multimillionaire Betsy DeVos is appointed U.S. Secretary of Education,…
Category: Liberty
A Brief History of Indiana Homeschool Freedom
Here’s a timeline of some issues that have affected Indiana home educators through the years. It’s a reminder that our liberty to educate our children at home is precious and must be continually guarded. Thank you for standing with IAHE and IAHE Action. 1904 – Indiana has the nation’s earliest homeschool court ruling in State v. Peterman. Essentially,…
The Alliance Calls for National Homeschool Day of Prayer
As we pray for New York, the most highly regulated state in the nation, regarding the details below, let us also pray for Indiana homeschoolers. Indiana Association of Home Educators (IAHE) and IAHE Action have been dealing with issues related to the School to Prison Pipeline since early 2016. Indiana has school discipline and truancy…
As We Were Saying
Recently, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, Dr. Jennifer McCormick, was on a panel at the annual meeting of the Coalition for Public Education with former Superintendents, Glenda Ritz and Suellen Reed. Dr. McCormick called for increased accountability measures for charter and private schools that accept taxpayer funded vouchers. Her hope is that all schools that…
Should the Government Be the Ultimate Authority for Your Child?
A full episode that exposes the idea that the government should have the ultimate control of a child’s education and upbringing instead of the parents may be found on “Michelle Malkin Investigates” on They have shared this clip as a teaser, but it gives us a glimpse of how a number of individuals view the…
Homeschool Student Essay Contest
Sponsored by our friends at the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties Topic: The Relationship Between Religion and Government, the Founders’ intent Age groups: 16 thru 18 12 thru 15 Rewards: $500- first place $250-second place Essay composition suggestions: (these are not written in stone, but varying greatly from them might reduce your chances of success)…
Constitution Day Celebration Recap
Many thanks to the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties for offering the Indiana homeschool essay contest! A Constitution Day celebration sponsored by the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties was held in Danville, IN on September 17th. Winners of an Indiana homeschoolers’ essay contest read their essays entitled, “Explain why our Federal Government…
Constitution Day Celebration
Congratulations to those who placed in the Coalition of Central Indiana Tea Parties Essay Contest. The top entries will read their essays at the Constitution Day event below. 16-18 Division First Place: Isaac Che Second Place: Christina Ganahl Honorable Mention: Carson Bailey Grace Murrell Zach Graber 12-15 Division First Place: Olivia Hajicek Second Place:…
Seven Reasons Why Indiana Homeschoolers Do Not Need More Regulation
This post originally appeared on the Indiana Association of Home Educators blog in October 2015. Homeschooling has been a tradition in Indiana for over a century. Due to the longstanding legal environment regarding home education in Indiana, we have seen how less regulation facilitates the parent-directed learning experience. Below are some reasons the Indiana homeschool law…
The Seduction of Homeschooling Families
Has the time come for homeschoolers to reevaluate a relationship with the local government school? Pioneers of the homeschool movement were very leery of any involvement with public schools due to a myriad of reasons. It appears homeschoolers are not the only ones who foresee a loss of liberty with involvement in this educational system….